Orginal Stock Image

Orginal Stock Image

Orginal Stock Image


Brief : The Client wanted to portray the instantaneous effect of their product which is an antacid tablet relieving acidity quickly. The copy for this campaign says 'ACIQUICK - Gets to work in Five Seconds'
Brief : The Client wanted to portray the instantaneous effect of their product which is an antacid tablet relieving acidity quickly. The copy for this campaign says 'ACIQUICK - Gets to work in Five Seconds'
Work : For this project 'PIXELPAINT' have worked closely with Art Director - Khurram Haque & Creative Director - Nitin Srivastava @ OGILVY - Delhi.
We started of with the use of stock imagery for the animals, the dynamites were crafted by us practically in order to achieve the real scraped look needed and further shot by Photographer Dushyant Bhatt individually & as a group together. The vests seen in the image are also shot individually and finally all of these multi part elements are comped in to make it work as a seamless image.